About me

Now retired from teaching, I am finding my way as a missionary in Peru. My husband and I are working in Lima, Peru, during part of the year and reside in Chester, Vermont, during the northern summer months. Our family is all over the U.S. and in England so we take time out to visit and catch up with them from time to time. Life is not always predictable, but we find the internet a great way to keep in touch from day to day. Blogs help give glimpses of our lives and attending thoughts. I look forward to adding my view of Peru and Vermont to the many images and words floating out there in cyberspace.

8 responses to “About me

  1. Dear Polly (and Ian) –

    Moving quickly and not sure if this is a good way to touch base, wanted to say ‘hello’ and ‘God’s blessings in your new ministry in Peru.

    I was just reading John & Susan Park’s February 2010 update (Susie and I have been supporting them with a modest annual gift for some time), and discovered that Ian was joining the ministry of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd; and that sent me to the internet where I discovered your respective blogs. Too much to read and absorb right now, but I look forward to coming back and reading more thoroughly. And it would be delightful to catch up in some manner.

    All my best!



  2. Dear Polly

    From the perspective of one who is currently seeking openings/assurances/experiences about missionary work in Lima (along with my husband) I have found your blogs so illuminating and interesting. Thank you for putting them ‘out there’.

    Your stories are so beautifully written; I was only planning on a quick browse, but I couldn’t stop reading! I so loved hearing about the shanty town churches, the women, children, crafts, food, nature and dogs. I found them all wonderfully inspiring.

    My husband is Ernesto Lozada-Uzuriaga an Anglican Priest whose heart has never really left Peru. (He has recently contacted your husband I believe.) I am a community nurse for people with a learning disability here in the UK, so have a health and social care focus. I am also a lover of the Great Outdoors and the arts.

    With thanks and best wishes to you & yours


    • Marie,
      Keep us posted on your decisions about Peru. There is a wonderful woman named Pat Blanchard who is running a project called the Shalom Project here in Lima. She has set up a center where children with disabilities come for speech, physical and occupational therapies. She then meets with the mothers for Bible Study and encouragement. It is a very exciting program. More later.

      • MarieSL

        Dear Polly,

        Two months on and many prayers later I am again in the company of your blog, catching up with and delighting in your stories; your garden, family, culinary adventures, chores… your beautiful pictures. I should do this more often, as you manage to instill such calm and quiet on a busy life!

        Thank you for your reply re above, I am afraid I hadn’t realised you’d replied to my message until now. I had heard about Pat through Ernesto, but of the Shalom Project I know nothing: my next move is to find out more, so thank you! (It sounds wonderful.)

        Ernesto and I enjoyed a lovely lunch meeting in Oxford with your husband, Ian, last Tuesday. We were so fortunate to meet him and hear first hand of your work as missionaries in Lima, Peru. It was very inspiring and we are now blessed with plenty of ‘food for thought’ for our journey.

        We wish you and yours a happy summer.


  3. Kathleen willis

    Polly, I have met you a few times during your summers in Chester, VT. I have enjoyed Ian’s sermons over the years while i sat in a back pew entertaining one of my three kids and trying to listen to the amazing stories of your mission work. My name is Kathleen Willis, I have lived in Chester, VT for then past 8 years with my husband Dave and our children 12, 8, and 6. I am currently researching a mission trip that I could go on with my daughter, 12 year old.

    Do you have any suggestions?

  4. Hi Polly good to meet you.
    I was in Peru a couple of years ago with the Diocese of Europe trip, and have never forgotten the experiences of the shanty towns. Each day we would go in our rickety old bus to a church or school in the shanty towns to spend the day painting (oh the smell of that paint) finishing our stay painting the top floor of the Diocesan offices. Everyone we met in the towns were so friendly and surprising how little these people have, always seemed so happy and grateful.
    Our church here in Mojacar Spain supports the Diocese in Peru as one of their mission projects so all news I can get from Peru is essential to keep the support going.

  5. Polly, Wonderful to see your ministry from your perspective. I have added a link to your “musings” on St. Luke’s website. We all miss you and Ian.

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